contemporary beadwork jewelry textile

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All in its proper time

Summer - dilemma....
..should I prune the ivy and the climbing hydrangea ?
The red currants and the gooseberries are mellow !
One could make cakes and other delicious things ....
The bright sunlight makes your windows and curtains beg for a big house cleaning,
...and lots of ideas for creating to stick you to your workspace all the day!
It´s Pub garden time, time for swimming, hiking and ride the bike !
So many activities ....and the winter is long in our country!
I have to set priorities
Ok, I think I most likely can exclude the house cleaning!

Duftwicken - sweet peas, they smell delicate!

my first tomato - experiment, I´m really proud of this..

..and happy that the snails reprieved my basilikum which is flourishing this year!

She´s happy with some lettuce and lives free in our garden during the summer, there are walls around, so she cannot rebush, ..during winter she takes a big nap in a cozy box on the attic !

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Girls only ! ..(ok, girls is maybe not the correct term for fiftysomethings...but anyway if you just hear us, it might be the right one!)
I´m going to have one week vacation in istria (croatia) with my friends.
Our husbands meanwhile take care of cats and dogs, house and gardens...
...while we are sipping cappucinos ....and Camparis..

wishing you all wonderful whitsun holidays!