As an independent small business, the possibility of presenting your products in a professional way with living models is limited.
On the one hand due to the costs, on the other hand due to the matter of fact, that perhaps your pieces are one of a kind or low volume production, It would be quite inconvenient and time consuming.
I once thought the solution for this is to have a model that lives with me, and I played around with
modelling clay:

The result was nice and I shot many Photos with my "Creature"...but in fact the dimensions were not perfect in relation to a real Head.
So I doubt if this will induce somebody to buy my earrings!

...but taking Photos on a real ear is also not the answer to everything.
Because I´ve been told, many customers don´t like the feeling their earrings are already worn.

My daughter was a great model for my pendants, but she is studying abroad (very abroad..), and until there is no chance for "beam me up, scotty"! ..... I can forget that too.....
BUT....I think it can be very charming to experiment with different, uncommon ideas and requisites! (wearing gloves is a great thing, when your hands are 56 years old!)..

Finally: I will continue with experimenting, and if I have a flash of inspiration once, I will tell....
And here you can read others thoughts about "working with a model":